
 Bhoo Mithra Sena Club  was sanctioned in the College by the Ministry of Environment and Climatic Change . The College had an environmental club before the BMC was sanctioned. It was in fact in appreciation of the laudatory activities of the environmental club that the ministry of Environment sanctioned a BMC to the College. Objectives
• To encourage the college students appreciate environment and environmental issues of the locality.
• To provide environmental education opportunities for college students and involve them in addressing environmental issues of the locality.
• To utilize the enormous manpower available with college students as conduits for awareness of the society.
• To make students practice and advocate sustainable lifestyles.

To realize these objectives the BMC has launched many programs which include the observance of environmentally important days, nature camps, seminars and talks on environment and so on.

Staff In Charge

Abdul Haleem Thangal KP

Asst. Professor